Late May is Preying Mantis hatching time! In 2016 this casing hatched on May 23. On the left is a new hatchling perhaps waiting for a sibling to emerge and become a tasty morsel. On the right, a hatchling is poised to leap off its casing.
When full grown in fall and almost 3 inches long, these predators are capable of capturing and eating a hummingbird. Meanwhile, they indiscriminately eat insects by remaining still, changing color to blend in and waiting patiently for their next meal to come within striking distance.

One fall as I was harvesting basil, I almost cut one in half. It had blended in with the basil perfectly. At the last moment I noticed movement as the head swiveled to look up at the approaching scissors. Later she rewarded me by leaving an egg casing attached to that very basil plant.
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