Autumn in the Garden

Autumn in the Garden
Autumn in the Garden: Cosmos Forest for our chitinous and feathered friends

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Jan 25, 2021, updated Feb 10, 2022  for work hour requirement


The goal of the Village of Piermont Community Garden is to provide Piermont residents with the opportunity to grow food and flowers in a beautiful setting, in a manner that does not harm the environment and that encourages friendship and cooperation. 

Written by Joan Gussow and adopted on Oct. 6, 2002 by the membership.


  1. The Community Garden is overseen by the Garden Coordinator Team who see that the work of the Garden goes harmoniously and efficiently. They are the official liaisons with the Village of Piermont and empowered to make emergency decisions, act on behalf of the group, and purchase necessary materials. 
  2. Fiscal management, including collecting dues, is the responsibility of the Treasurer
  3. Management of plot assignments and membership renewals are the responsibility of the Plot Committee. 
  4. The Work Party Coordinators assign jobs as members arrive. All who serve in this position assign themselves a job they can do while waiting for the next member to join the work party.
  5. Other committees may be formed to manage specific areas of responsibility for the good of the community, such as the Herb Garden or Compost. 
  6. Ad hoc committees, such as those formed in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, may be formed in cooperation with the Garden Coordinator Team. 
  7. Any changes to the policies and procedures outlined in this document will be made by majority vote of the membership. 


  1. All plot holders must currently reside in the Village of Piermont, and be at least 18 years of age.
  2. No household may hold more than one half (4½' x 10’) or full (9'x10') plot. 
  3. Gardeners who move from Piermont before June 15 of the gardening season cannot remain members.  Their plot will return to the Garden for reassignment. Those who move on or after June 15 are asked, as a courtesy, to notify the Garden at PiermontCommunityGarden@gmail.comThey may continue to garden for the remainder of the season provided they tend and weed their plots and adjacent walkways. 


  1. All Members must sign an annual agreement form & pay the plot dues by March 1.  
  2. Annual dues are $20 for a half plot, and $40 for a full plot. A $10 late fee will be assessed from March 2-15.  Annual dues are non-refundable.
  3. Gardeners who fail to return a signed Agreement Form and pay their dues by March 15 will lose their plot. 
  4. Dues may be waived upon written request for up to half a plot (4-1/2' x10') for people on a limited income. (i.e. Social Security, disability, welfare, etc.). 
  5. A $4 key fee is charged to new members and any existing members who need a replacement key. 
  6. Each member must attend at least one meeting per year. 
  7. Each member must contribute 6 hours of communal garden work by attending three of the 4-9 Work Parties a year. A member who is unable to fulfill their work requirements at the scheduled work parties can arrange with the Garden Coordinator Team to fulfill their 6 hours.  Each member is responsible to sign in with the Work Party Coordinator or Attendance Recorder in order for their work hours to be officially recognized.
  8. Members who fail to fulfill their meeting or work requirements will be placed on probation for the following season. This status will be noted on their membership form at the beginning of the season. Any member who is on probation and does not fulfill their meeting and work requirements will lose their membership rights and will not be asked to return.


  1. Assignment of plots to those on the Waiting List is based on the order in which applicants signed up.
  2. Assignment of full plots will not be made while there are still applicants on the Waiting List.
  3. Members can qualify for a full plot by contributing additional volunteer hours in an official capacity for three consistent seasons. This includes chairing or serving on a committee, taking ownership of a vital garden task or administrative project, or other activities as agreed upon by the Garden Coordinator Team.
  4. Requests for a change of plot location need to be made to the Plot Committee. Email your request to by January 1 of the gardening year.  Requests will be considered in the order in which they were made and based on availability of vacated plots.  These requests will be fulfilled before those on the Waiting List are assigned plots.
  5. Abandoned plots will revert back to the community and be reassigned. The holders of those plots will no longer remain members of the Garden but may reapply for membership by getting on the Waiting List for a future season. A plot is deemed abandoned if the member hasn't responded and acted by the deadline when contacted by the Garden Coordinator Team. Situations generating such contact are:  a) Failure to meet the April 15 weeding deadline and/or May 31 cleaning, weeding & planting deadline  b) The seeding up of weeds in the plot  c) The rotting of harvest in the plot.
  6. June 15 is the deadline for plot assignments.  Anyone signing up after this deadline will go on the Waiting List for next year's season. Any plot vacated after this date will be used that season for the PAR program.


  1. A member may be absent for one growing season without losing their plot.  The plot will be offered as a sublet to those on the Waiting List.
  2. Those who wish to sublet their plot must submit notification by March 1 to
  3. Those who sublet with us will be offered any available plot the following season before plots are assigned to those on the Waiting List.


  1. No genetically altered seeds or non-organic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers may be used. The Northeast Organic Farming Association list of accepted materials (NOFA Materials List) shall be the final determining authority on any disputes about substances used in the garden.
  2. All plots must be cleaned up and weeded by April 15th even if the member is not yet ready to plant. 
  3. All plots must be planted or tarped by May 31 to prevent the spread of weeds. 
  4. Gardeners need to weed their own plots throughout the season and help maintain the paths that border their beds. 
  5. December 1 is the deadline for putting the plot down for the Winter. Remove all weeds and diseased plants and dispose in the trash.
  6. Members unable to tend their plot for 3 or 4 weeks during the growing season are responsible for finding another Member to take care of it during their absence. 
  7. Tall crops such as corn or trellised plants can be grown only if they do not shade a neighboring plot. Plants must be promptly removed when requested by a Coordinator or a neighboring Member. Sunflowers are not permitted unless they are a dwarf variety. 
  8. Invasive plants such as mint and horseradish must be planted in containers. The Garden Coordinator Team have the final decision on whether a plant is considered invasive. 
  9. Walkways need to remain clear. Plants that start to spill over or fall need to be restrained or staked.*
  10. Only vegetative matter is placed in the compost bins. Break up or remove the root balls with dirt before putting plants from your plot in the compost. Dirt dulls the blades of any machine used to shred the vegetation for composting.  Remove all string, metal, plastic and nylon materials.  Place these items and any diseased vegetative matter in the trash.
  11. Any structural additions are subject to the approval of the Garden Coordinator Team.
  12. Working in or picking flowers or vegetables in other members’ plots is not allowed unless the plot holder has given permission. However, members may pull weeds from a neighbor’s plot if they are encroaching upon their own plot. 
  13. No smoking is permitted in the garden at any time. (80% of tobacco carries mosaic virus which also affects tomatoes.)
  14. No pets are permitted in the garden at any time. 
  15. Common tools are kept in the shed. Always clean (use water & brush) and return them there when finished. 
  16. All notices, information, and ornamentation not pertaining directly to the garden are subject to the approval of the Garden Coordinator Team. 
  17. The sheds are for communal use only, not for storage of personal belongings or supplies.
  18. Keep Garden gates closed at all times. 
  19. Private parties are not allowed in the garden.
  20. All children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult member, and supervised as necessary during garden visits. The Garden Coordinator Team may make exceptions for a child who demonstrates a respect for the rules.   

* New addition

The last person out of the garden needs to shut up the shed, lock the gates and turn off the hose spigots and any water still running in the Garden.

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