Adult hoverfly on an alyssum flowerhead |
Consider interplanting some alyssum in your plot this
year to help control aphids. Organic lettuce growers plant alyssum as
an effective way to control this soft-bodied insect that snuggles in the
folds of their lettuce (
Flower Power Protects Organic Lettuce Fields).
And how do they do this? By attracting hoverflies! Although they
resemble wasps & bees, these little Syrphidae are harmless with no
stinger. Well-fed by your pollen and nectar, they return the favor by
laying their eggs nearby where their
hungry larvae prey on your aphids.
For more information on other plants and biological control, check out "Farmer Fred" Hoffman's
Plants That Attract Beneficial Insects. Note the download offered at the top with more photos.
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