Right after the destruction, members came down to begin cleanup. We had help from the community, especially the Rowing Club. We rented an excavator and a member, who could operate this machine, was able to remove the piles of debris we made and place the shed back in its original position. A huge 60 foot log about 1.5 feet in diameter had washed into the Garden. We reduced it to smaller pieces with the use of a buzz saw and moved them out of the growing area. Members washed and dried mud-caked tools and other items stored for winter.
As cleanup progresses, we are in the process of planning the Garden's restoration. On Jan 27 Dan Sherman made a presentation in the Village Hall about the ideas we have for changes in the look and functioning of the Garden which will include the laying of brick pathways instead of the woodchips which wash away with each flood. The pathways will defined the growing beds. We no longer will use frames for this purpose. In the last 3 storms, the wooden frames were lifted off many beds. This storm finally taught us that frames are a liability, not an asset. Gardeners will provide the labor for the rebuilding, but funds are needed to provide the materials. The next work party on March 23 & 24 will concentrate on preparing the Garden for the laying of the brick walkways. The ground needs to be leveled and woodchips raked away. The plan is to begin the brick laying at special work parties on April 6 & 7 with the help of a professional that Dan knows.
To see a photo of the result of the Hudson River's surge and to help with a donation, visit Restore the Garden Campaign, created for us by Piermont Village Community Garden's Mary Weitzman, member since 2008.

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