Autumn in the Garden

Autumn in the Garden
Autumn in the Garden: Cosmos Forest for our chitinous and feathered friends

Monday, July 02, 2012

Lettuce for Spring, Summer and Fall

For the longest harvest, direct seed or transplant every 7-10 days.

To see more visit:  Cut and Come Again Lettuce - photos & description including those that have good heat tolerance

 Which one of these lettuces bolts readily in hot weather?  
The other three are all slow to bolt.


'Freckles' or 'Trout Back'

Black Seeded Simpson
 'Black Seeded Simpson'
Red Sails
'Red Sails'
Other Slow-to-bolt lettuces are 'Butttercrunch', 'Salad bowl' which is quick to mature and 'Winter Density' ('Craquerelle du Midi') which is also cold tolerant.

Here's an extreme practice to experiment with: If your lettuce looks like it’s about to bolt, pull it out of the ground, roots and all, and replant. This shock to its system will slow its growth. Keep well watered. If it has started to become bitter, try cutting it and placing it in the fridge for a couple of days.

What are good COMPANION PLANTS for Lettuce?  Everything, but especially carrot, garlic, onion, and radish and other low calcium feeders like beets, nasturtiums, marigolds and sage.  NB: Decomposing residues of broccoli were found to have a toxic effect on lettuce seedlings.         

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